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Taking up Healthy Habits

A woman with blonde hair sitting in a purple chair smiling

We're delighted to announce that Healthy Habits have appointed Holmlands to implement a fully integrated PR campaign for the launch of Unlimited - a new book by their Founder, Becca Teers.

Like us, Healthy Habits are passionate about maintaining an active lifestyle.

Becca helps to empower her clients to achieve their goals and full potential in their lives. She has a strong belief in the body/mind connection and the role that the mind can play in healing the body.

We will be helping Becca to build a new website for her book, produce a high definition video, implementing a social media strategy and arranging a book launch event - all complimented with a targeted PR campaign.

Unlimted: 7 Habits to Unleash Your Full Potential and Get the Life You Want will be available online and in book stores from March.

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