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Shooting Editions London with Edited

A group of five people standing shoulder to shoulder smiling at camera

Earlier this month, we are appointed by our friends at Thinking Hat PR to capture film and photography for 'Editions', an event held in Central London by their client EDITED - a retail intelligence company producing real-time data analytics software for brands and retailers.

The event brought together factions of their New York and London offices, with a panel of guest speakers discussing the art of science and retail; as our crew captured the event covering all aspects, -in addition to conducting a series of short interviews with key figures from the company for a series of social media videos produced for EDITED's channels; including discussions on sustainability.

With the polar bear their emblem, the EDITED Polar Bear represents the strength and ability to persevere through the harshest conditions on earth, as the company proactively support Polar Bears International through their work, with a commitment to securing a future for polar bears across the Arctic - a company policy that speaks right to our heart.

A very inspiring event, with great energy in the room; you can see a few images captured on the night in the gallery below, with the film content dropping on EDITED's website and social media channels soon...

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